Sunday, November 25, 2012

Biker Rally, Japanese Style

For some reason, when I think of Okinawa, the image of a big biker rally isn't the first thing that comes to mind ...

Is that a marijuana leaf on the back of that blue bike?
Yet that's exactly where I found myself this afternoon.  Hundreds of motorcycles lined up along the street outside Kadena Gate 2 for day two of the Okinawa International Festival.

The nicest, most polite bikers I've ever met
The dragon-looking thing is a shisa dog (see the heading of my blog)

Vendors also lined the street, selling cheap toys and food.

These plastic masks are at EVERY festival I ever attend
Scooping coals into the burner

He was the sweetest old man!
One of the food vendors.  They sold potato chips on a stick!  (See front row, past the candies)
The festival also had your typical pint-sized drummers
And a child who was clearly not pleased to be there

Once I got bored with the bikes, vendors and music, I meandered into the side streets and explored the shops.

Entry-way to the indoor market
Everything looked amazing inside this patisserie.  I bought a cherry danish, and it was INCREDIBLE
A shopkeeper opens up his store
Shop-kitty is not amused
Jackets?  Cold-weather kimonos?  I'm not sure what these are, exactly.
Teapots for sale
A little girl plays with a kitten inside the box

Well, I'd better head to bed.  I can't believe this four-day weekend is already over -- it passed so quickly!

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