Sunday, September 2, 2012

I hate goodbyes

I dropped Loren off at the Naha airport this morning for his trip to the Middle East.  We're officially into day one of our first deployment.
Lucky puts on a brave face as he waits by Loren's luggage
It really won't be that bad -- my husband will only be gone for three months.  But it's never fun to part with your other half.  The house seems so quiet right now.

On the bright side, Loren and I had a beautiful final morning together.  We drove to a beach near the airport and enjoyed the view.  Living on-base, sometimes you forget that the island is a tropical paradise.


He only looks surly, I swear

After we walked along the beach, Loren and I headed to the Naha airport.

That's a lot of luggage for three measly months ...
The parking garage from hell.  I swear that Loren and I found the last parking spot within a 10 mile radius of the airport.
Inside the airport.  We got to hang out for a while, because the Japanese do security screenings right before you board your plane.
One last photo together!
One of my coworkers, Mac, likened deployments to a cross-country car ride.  He said that you start off the trip feeling really excited.  You get about three hours into the drive, and you're like, "Okay, I'm sick of this already, and I still have 600 miles to go."  Then you start breaking it off into chunks and thinking, "Alright, if I just make it to this next town, then I can pull over at a rest stop."  He said that deployments are like that -- you just have to mentally break it into smaller pieces.

We'll see if thats how I feel by the end of Loren's deployment.  Let's hope these next three months pass quickly!  (And that Lo's encounter in the desert is pretty damn uneventful.)

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