Friday, July 20, 2012

Images from the Sea Wall

One of my favorite places to walk/run with the dog is along the sea wall.  It's only a few minutes' drive from the Kadena gate.  There are a lot of cool little scuba shops and restaurants.  Not to mention a beautiful view.

Lucky oversees the snorkelers
Choppers headed for Kadena
You can't see it in the photo, but their poles are about 20-feet long.  Every time I pass by someone casting a line, I'm afraid I'll get snagged in the cheek.  Youch.
Lucky eyes the water wistfully.  (This was shortly after he pulled me into the water and across a patch of coral.  He's banned from swimming in the ocean for a few days.)


  1. Love your photos. That sea wall is gorgeous. Glad to see Lucky is getting out but coral - ouch! Congrats on the new job, girl!
